
Updates for Registered Customers

Registered customers can use their license file (MCMxxxxx.LIC, SEExxxx.LIC, FCExxxx.LIC, MGCxxxx.LIC, CSCxxxx.LIC, WSCxxxx.LIC, or AESxxxx.LIC) to update to the latest DLL's for a period of one year after purchase. However, only version 3.3 and above of WSC can be updated this way.

Your license file (*.LIC) can be found in the DLLS directory created when SETUP is run.

After one year, your license must be updated in order to download updates.

Your MCM, SEE, FCE, MGC, CSC, WSC, or AES license can be updated for $33 if ordered within one year of the original purchase (or previous update), for $55 if within 3 years of last update, and for $77 after more than 3 years but no more than 10 years. There is no update discount after 10 years,

MCM, SEE, FCE, MGC, CSC, and (version 3.3 and above of) WSC are the only products which can be updated using the UPDATER package. PCL, WSC (before version 3.3), and WIL products can not be updated this way.

You must run UPDATER before your (*.LIC) license file expires, which is normally 12 months after purchase or last update.

MCM Updates for Registered Customers

What's NEW in MCM version 5.0

MCM Updates 6.0 (May 11, 2021)

MCM Updates 5.2 (March 15, 2019)

SEE Updates for Registered Customers

What's NEW in SEE version 8.5

SEE Updates 8.5.1 (November 8, 2024)

Also see SEE User's Manual and SEE Reference Manual

FCE Updates for Registered Customers

What's NEW in FCE update version 4.0

FCE Update 4.0 (October 10, 2023)

Also see FCE User's Manual and FCE Reference Manual

AES Updates for Registered Customers

What's NEW in AES update version 4.0

AES Update 6.0 (March 7, 2022)

AES Update 5.0 (July 17, 2020)

Also see AES User's Manual and AES Reference Manual

MGC Updates for Registered Customers

What's NEW in MGC update version 2.2

MGC Update 2.2 (June 17, 2011)

Also see MGC User's Manual and MGC Reference Manual

WSC Updates for Registered Customers

What's NEW in WSC update version 6.0

WSC Update 7.0 (September 10, 2019)

Also see WSC User's Manual and WSC Reference Manual

CSC Updates for Registered Customers

What's NEW in CSC update version 7.1

CSC Update 7.1 (February 7, 2018)

Also see CSC User's Manual and CSC Reference Manual