
Some Customer Testimonials

We've been so impressed with the reliability of the WSC4C library, we standardized our J1939 adapter PC application around it!

-- J.R.

Thank you for a SUPERB system, first I wondered how you set things up, but once I got it ----- SUPER EASY, MANY MANY THANKS!!!!

Bo P.

Thanks for this great library! Using it, I am able to solve this mail-service problem I faced during the last weeks...This saves lots of hours !

--Stefan W.

Thanks for the upgrade. I was really happy today because the instrument I've been trying to control through the serial port is finally functioning nicely, now that wsc4c is doing the serial communications.


Thanks for the superb and prompt support. Very pleased with the WSC library and will recommend to others.

--Dean H.

Thanks again for your outstanding technical support.

--S. C.

Your program is superb. I have been modifying things to make the exact program that I need, and it is easy...

--John W.

Your solution to my C++ Builder problem was right on. Here's your report card!

Product: Excellent
Purchase: Will definitely be purchasing product
Tech Support: Exceptional
Recommendation: Will definitely recommend product to others


They are excellent routines and are a real pleasure to use.

--R. F.

Wanted to drop you a line and report in. The routines are working excellently.

--Bill J.

I am in the final stages of evaluating SEE16 and I have to say that is an excellent product.

-- Yiannis

I appreciate your quick response to my questions and would like to commend The Marshallsoft programmers on a job well done.

--Ray H.

I appreciate your assistance in this purchase. I would also like to express my gratitude to the developers of this software; it is incredibly easy to use. If you do not care, I would appreciate it if you would let them know.

--Cody T.

Thank you for solving this. Excellent support from your side!

--Marcin S.

Geez, you guys are good!

I inserted the command, ran the program and it worked first time.

Thanks heaps, well done and keep up the good service.

--Simon R.

Thanks a lot...

Your customer-service is fantastic....

--Phillip M.

The functions are well documented and work as explained. The sample programs are a definite plus and ease the learning curve. I had no problem with application and did not have to refer to the documentation after initially reading it. I also appreciate not having to fill out pages of information before being allowed to download the evaluation version.

Congratulations to the entire SEE32 team, Great Job.

--George C.

Your response time knocks my sox off!!

--Mike R.

Here's an unsolicited testimonial :-)

I have an embedded process running under DOS on a 166 MHz Pentium. The routine has a 500 micro-sec time budget between samples. The regular Basic OPEN COM... routine was taking 275 micro's at 115200 to read a one byte command and then return a 4 byte float. The time rose to 3300 micro's at 9600 Baud! Your routines allowed my program to get back to work in about 35 micro-secs no matter what the Baud rate! Kudos to you and your products...

--John D.

Thank you for your help today. If you need testimonials for marketing your product I would like to make sure that you know I will be happy to provide them.

The products themselves are great. I depend on them and they are dependable.

The service that you always provide when I need something is also outstanding.

--Jeff G.

.... may I just say what fantastic and easy to use programs you guys sell they have saved me so much time and effort.

--Chris J.